Cars for Homes
Your vehicle donation will help Habitat for Humanity build homes in partnership with families in your community.
When you donate a car to Cars for Homes, you Space Coast Habitat build and rehabilitate houses with families in need of affordable shelter.
The car donation process is quick and easy. It can be accomplished online or with a toll-free phone call to 1-877-277-4344. If you donate an automobile or other vehicle, you may be eligible for a tax deduction.
Call 1-877-277-4344

What can you donate?
Construction or farm equipment
Any other vehicle. Running or not!
Why donate?
- Proceeds from the sale of your car helps Space Coast Habitat for Humanity build safe and affordable housing for workforce families in Brevard County.
- You may receive a tax deduction if you itemize.
- Recycling your car saves energy and natural resources.
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